Saturday, January 10, 2015

120 Days of Equestria: Horses, George Orwell, and Tits

From the title of 120 Days of Equestria this invokes images of the art film Salo, or the 120 days in Sodom, which involves forced and consensual coprophagia. This image should prepare you for the upcoming fanfiction. However, the idea of a My Little Pony and 1984 crossover is difficult to digest. Let alone one that involves bondage and implants. Let's just get this over with

120 Days of Equestria


Yvonne Gelderland

Link to original fanfiction

>Its a brite cold day in april, thought O'brien

Time to betray some colleagues, and star in a shitty Exorcist sequel!

> as he opened the door to the hallway in miniluv. just the perfect day to make people luv big brother.

And to fuck some horses!

>O hi fluttershy 

I know that Richard Burton was an incredible actor, but I didn't know he could do a spot on Tommy Wiseau impression

>he said as he put on a pair of latex gluvs and pointed to the open dor. U can come in now.

I have plenty of thirsty bronies waiting for you

>Sounds great she said and danced into room 101.

Oh God, please don't let this turn into a My Little Pony crossover with 1984 musical, because there's just so much of those flooding the market already

>when she got into the room she asked Obrien what are we gonna do here?

We're going to finally answer the age old of question of why you are the worst one of the group

>Ur gonna learn how to learn big brother fluttershy

This is getting incredibly deep. I too have often wondered how exactly a persons learns how to learn a concept

>and its gonna be scary but your gonna agree its for the best

This reminds me of how my friends introduced me to the Oogieloves

>Ok said fluttershy how scary is it going to be?

As scary as the thought of a third Equestria Girls

>Really scary said Obrien but ur gonna love big brother at the end. 
>u see u cant just join goldstein like u did because hes a spy from east asia and trys to ruin equestrian >socialism. we have to teach evrybody to love eqsoc or els we cant have paradise c?

I love how straightforward O'brien is in this adaption, as opposed to the sly, deceptive bastard he was in the original

>now ive been watchin u from the telescreen 

Hopefully O'brien wasn't with Snap and Lupin masticating

>and i no what ur scared of most of all. its getting surgery but when ur awake instead of asleep like u >usually are when you get surgery.


>screamed fluttershy. NOOOO anything but that Obrien anything but that I cant stand that its gonna be >so scary! ill do anything just dont give me surgery!1!

I was going to fix your appendicitis you unappreciative douche!

>dont worry said Obrien ull love big brother right? so get up on that table he said as he opened up a >drawer and got out some rope.


>what are u gonna do to me? asked fluttershy feeling really scared of the surgery.

Probably not as bad as what your average youtube commenter wants to do with you

>o i'm gonna tie u to the table so you dont try to run away during surgery said obrien 

Reminds me of when my dentist tied me down with rope and leather straps to give my teeth a good cleaning

>with a big smile from ear to ear like when someone gives u a really good christmas present but instead >of a present there was a naked hot pony for him to cut open so it was sort of like christmas for him.

So ponies can wear clothes which warrants the idea of being naked, and can apparently be hot according to O'brien's mind

>she laid down on the table and whimpered and that made Obrien feel really turnd on
>and he could feel his throbbing wand of pleasur through his skinny pants.

I'm pretty sure the phrase of "throbbing wand of pleasure" is stolen straight from the classic, Hairy Poon and the Sorcerer's Sucker

>nothing turnd him on more than a hot bitch whimpering and lyin down on a table about to get it from him.

or turning in thought criminals, and crushing any last of their morale

 >he unbuttoned his skinny jeans a bit and took out his glorious rod and started sucking on one of >fluttershys nipples.

skinny jeans? in 1984? seriously. But then again complaining about fashion in this fanfic is like complaining about the description of trees in Twilight

>they were really small he thought so its a good thing Im fixing it!1!
>oh oh oh fluttershy he sed gimme a minute to get the knife out im just preparing ur breasts for the >surgery its how its usually done in hospitals

I don't think using a bowie knife is medically safe or how it's done in hospitals, but then again i don't hold a high level position in MiniTru


that's why you don't use knives while you're having sex. you're bound to drop it on your glorious rod

>and fluttershy felt something sticky land on her haunches. What was that she asked Obrien and Obrien >said oh its nothing just a disinfektent.

and just ignore the white sticky stuff that are on them too!

>then Obrien put his gluvs back on and got out a knife and fluttershy was really scared and he made the >first cut into her tummy where her nipples were.

and he carved S-L-A-Y-E-R onto her horse breasts

> she screamed as the knife went in. ahhh make it stop make it stop she screamed for almost a million >years

almost a million years? how about a thousand billion of a billion years!

>and oBrian started feeling really turned on again

what he wouldn't get turned on by cutting open a pastel colored horse

> so he said its OK ill make you feel better and while he >was cutting into her he got out his staff and >started stroking it the way u pet a kitten

the outrage, he's treating his body like an amusement park!

>as he was also exploring between fluttershys haunches with his tongue and started licking her mound of

A mound of pleasure is what I refer to mashed potatoes, so I have an image of Richard Burton licking mashed potatoes off of Fluttershy's tits

>and they gave out an AHHHHH together as oBrian fertilizd fluttershies

I know that Fluttershy is a tree, but to fertilize her?! but this is getting ridiculous!1!11!

>haunches again with his sensual oils and fluttershie was crying out in pain but also pleasure as cup after >cup of pleasure water flowed out of her glorious and onto oBrians face and onto the floor.

>then oBrian said ok just one more thing and your gonna love big brother again

if you know what I mean by big brother!111!!!1!

>and he went to the drawer and grabbed two bags that said SILIKON on them

Time to get to work on building my own computer!

>and he put them painfully into Fluttershies wounds and then said now I need to stich them up and he >went and got some thread and a needle and stiched them up which made her scream again.

The process was extended by O'brien doing an exact replication of "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" on her equine tits

>wat did you do to me oBrian? she said softly because she hurt everywhere

I made you part plastic, what else do you think I did!?

>oh I gave you boobies and now u can get up becuz ur gonna spend a few months resting up and its >gonna be in my apartment.

Oh, O'Brien committing physician sexual misconduct ever since 198x

>OK oBrian she said so what now?
>Get up and follow me he said as he ogled her big butiful breasts.

bruh, bruh I gave her bigger tits bruh

>itll be OK he said as he kissed her sore nipplz. then he put a collar on her neck and took her out on a >leash.

Oh silly O'brien that's a pony not a dog!
hahaha*punches self repeatedly *

>but little did she know that he was taking her to his apartment and there was lots more to com.

Oh I bet there was plenty to come aswell as com

Jesus Christ, I feel dirty.

I might do a few more in this vein of fanfiction , but Jesus Horatio Christ, this was a tough one to start out on

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