Saturday, January 17, 2015

Silent Hill: School is Hell: Sleepy Student Encounters Little Goblin Child Things

In this fanfiction we have an original character, who is forced to face his guilt from his past actions. He is drawn into the lonely, foggy world of Silent Hill and has to unlock the secrets of his past and of the town itself, and try to come to grips with his facts. In the end, determined by his actions, he could either a accept the facts and get out of town, die in the process, or a combination of the two. This might be more emotionally devastating than Silent Hill 2's In Water Ending and Mary's Letter combined.

That is not at all like this fanfic.

Silent Hill: School is Hell


M. A. C4

Original Fanfiction

>Steve was a freak by terms of his old school.

He was an evil man-WITCH, who repeatedly made offerings of corn and kitten to the Gods

> His favorite band was Cradle of Filth. 

I wish all great books started with a listing of a character's favorite artists!

Jack Merridew's would be Devo

Holden Caufield's would be Andrew Jackson Jihad

and the Toothless Man from Deliverance would be Phillip Glass

>He had just moved to Silent Hill a week before it happened...

It was made into two incredibly shitty movies!

>He awoke in class at Silent Hill High School by a shove.

If you are sent into a town that is the manifestation of your guilt and tortured psyche by a single shove, then I have to remember to shove quite a few people from my past!

> He fell out of his desk and said, "What the hell?"

Hey, I was trying to waste time here!

>Steve looked up and saw Tom. Tom was a jock. 

Tom looked down and saw Steve. Steve was a dweeb

>Even though Steve only knew Tom for a few days he hated him.

Steve was also known to being as judgmental as Joseph Goebbels

>Tom returned the favor.

After reading the last fanfic, I'm kind of scared of what direction this fanfic will go. Considering this is a fanfic of a series where the iconic character is a serial rapist wearing a pyramid shaped helmet

>"Exactly," replied Tom.
>Steve felt weird. He looked at the ground. It was all steel. Rusty too. "

Normally there would be a siren to alert them all to this, but not even the siren wanted to be a part of this.

>What the hell?" he repeated only more confused.

Because this whole ordeal wasn't more confusing already

>He stood up in total shock staring at the floor.

Reminds me of the time my Dad sold my bedroom floor to pay his gambling debts. Fun times.

>"I woke up and it was like this," Tom said. "Every one is gone. You're the first person I've seen."

Those last two statements are extremely mutually exclusive.

>"So everyone is gone, except the one guy who I can't stand?" Steve asked rather annoyed.

Now you know everyone feels when you have to study late in the library, and everyone else in your group has gone home, except for that ONE guy who refuses to put actual effort into the project

>"Yep," Tom said. "And I think were stuck in this hellbound school.

That's what I thought while I was still in a LAUSD school

>All the doors are either locked or jammed."

Dude, just wander in and out of the girls bathroom to get to the next floor, it worked for Harry in the first game!

>"You're crapping me!" Steve yelled.

Woah, watch your language it's not like this is an M-rated fanfiction of an M-rated franchise or anything!

>"Nope. By the looks of some of these walls whatever did this wasn't to human friendly either,"

I'm pretty sure the God of Silent Hill is genuinely concerned

>Tom said pointing to what was left of a human corpse hanging on a wall.
>"Eww..." Steve said."

To give him credit, that was a greater reaction than most Silent Hill protagonists have to the abominable world around them

>Tom started walking away. "Where are you going?

Fuck this shit I'm out of here!

>"The roof," Tom said.

Don't why me, boy!

>"There's probely a latter down," Tom said leaving the class.

Oh Steve would probably like to be probed by you later.

>Steve ran and caught up with Tom.

Oh kiss me you damn fool!

>Tom and Steve were walking down a hall when a little goblin child thing jumped out of a room and >grabbed Tom's leg.

Dude, just get the shotgun, it's in the boy's bathroom right next to the hanging body.

>"Aughhhh!" Tom yelled. "Kill it! Kill it!"


>Steve stared down in shock. His first reaction was to kick it.

*ugh* take that you meanie!

>He did and the little basterd

Is Quentin Tarantino the writer of this fanfic?

>must not have weighed much cause he went flying.

>"This is some Harry Mason shit right here!" Tom yelled.

This is some dog-gone referential shit here!

>"Harry Mason? Who is that?" Steve asked.

Oh, he doesn't exist according. At least according to that idiotic remake.

>"You don't know who Harry Mason is?" Tom asked shocked. "About five years ago, back when this was >an elementary school, he brought his little girl up here on vacation.

and crashes into the side of the ride after seeing satan herself scampering along the road

>He murdered her but didn't claim to do it. And of course the only other witness refused to agree with any >of it."

The witness reportedly stated that he, "Aint avin nun o dis hogwash" and stormed out of the courtroom

>"Suprise, suprise," Steve said.
>"Anyway he was convicted and sentenced to death. When waiting for his execution he wrote a book >about what really happened. He clamed there were a lot of messed up creatures and steel stuff. Here in >Silent Hill it's considered one of the best pieces of fiction ever written. It was about a year ago when he >got the lethal injection."

This is honestly an actually what-if scenario as this fanfiction was published before the release of third game elaborated on Silent Hill, and the fate of Harry Mason.

However, this is still silly.

>"That is a closer idea then what I was thinking this was connected to."
>"What?" Tom asked.
>"I thought this situation seemed close to the Langoliers. We were both asleep when this change 
>happened," Steve explained.

What the fuck is even going on? I wouldn't be want to discuss the works of Stephen King after seeing Grey Children and first hand experiencing the Otherworld

>"True," Tom said looking over and seeing more of the freakily goblin child things. "We might wanna find >an exit soon."

Yeah, you might want to find an exist or at least have some health drinks in handy before they surround you like a bunch of chumps.

>"Yep," Steve said. They ran to the stair way to the roof, never looking behind them.
>They got to the roof. It was poring out. 

ewwwwww. Is the wall a skin like texture covered in giant holes?

>"What are we looking for?" Steve asked.

We're looking for a special kind of stupid up in here!

>"A latter," Tom said "Wasn't it clear blue sky this morning?"

Did you say goodbye to it?

>"Yep," Steve said. They searched the edges of the building looking for a latter.

And all they could only find the prior

>All of a sudden something caught Steve's attention. "What's that?" Steve said pointing to a light in the >distance getting closer.


>"I don't know. Probely a car or something. If only I had a f-"

A fleshlight?!

>"Flash light," Steve interrupted taking out a flash light.


>"Smart ass," Tom said.

Personally, I'd say he's more of a dumb ass

>They went close to the edge to ensure the person would see the light. 

and to be an easier target.

>"S... O... S..." Steve said flashing the code on his flash light. 

Let me see that!

>"Think they will see it?"
>"Maybe," Tom said, "Why do you have that with you anyway?"

To find my way out intellectual voids, such as yourself

>"Emergency situations," Steve said sarcastically.

>A little goblin child thing snuck up on them and jumped on Tom's leg.


>Tom jumped. To try and keep his balance he grabbed on to Steve. No use. They both fell off the >building.

Thank God, the fanfics over!

>When the hit the ground they landed on steel. They were both extremely hurt but they would be fine.





>In Tom's case his fall was broken by the know puddle of blood provided by the goblin.
>"That hurt," Steve said getting up.

You've broken just about every bone in your body

>Tom was still lying in the goblins blood.

Lying in the Goblins Blood sounds like the band name for a mediocre metalcore band

>He looked over at Steve. "Steve! Behind you!" Tom yelled.

It's a monster!. Oh, wait it's a Larval Stalker, never mind they won't do anything

>It was too late. A mutant dog pounced on him. He started ripping off Steve's flesh. Soon his blood >stained shirt was devoured and a chunk of his skull was missing.

It's just a flesh wound

>Tom tried getting up. He struggled. Steve's death shocked him.

Literally, they were bonded together ionically

>What shocked him more was the gun shots fired from behind him. Within seconds the dog who ate >Steve was dead. Tom turned to see Cybil Bennett

Who continued to shoot directly at Tom

>"Who was he?" Cybil asked.


>"Steve. I don't know what his last name was. My name is Tom Rich. Who the hell are you?"

Season 1 Bart Simpson would like his catchphrase back

>"My name is Cybil Bennett," she said.

Hold on, hold on we must know if she's normal Cybil, angry Cybil, or the sexy Cybil!?

>Tom thought for a moment. "Cybil!" he said in shock. "Cybil from Harry Mason's book?"

No, the Cybil Bennet from De Akron, North Maine

>"Yes," she said.
>"Did you know about all of this?" Tom asked.
>"I guessed something like this would happen. Today is the one year of Harry's death," Cybil said.

It's always the 1st year anniversary, why is it never the 13th anniversary?

>"Did it happen?"


>"Yes," she said, ashamed.


>"Why did you lie in your testimony?" Tom asked.

Because I had to stick with my gut!

>"I didn't want to get even more tied up in that case then I was in the first place. Plus I was really >annoyed of Harry."

>"Okay. Do you feel any guilt about his death?" Tom asked.

He a whiny, drunken, perv of course I didn't!

>"What is this? Sixty Minuets? 

Hi I'm Johann Stamitz. And I'm Joseph Haydn. All this and Ludvig van Beethoven tonight on Sixty Minuets.

>Lets get out here before something kills us," Cybil said.

Like a slimy parasite or something

>"Okay. Okay. I was just interested," Tom said. 


>They both walked over to Cybil's police car. Cybil got in and relized that the other door was locked. She >reached over to unlock it. 

Or just that the wii-mote wasn't responding properly

>As soon as her hand got on the lock she looked threw the window to see Tom being grabbed by a flying >demon bird.

Just gonna take this little egghead back to the nest.

>"Oh well. That kid really annoyed me," she said. She started driving.

Is it a bad sign when the characters of the series, despise your original characters?

> She did Tom a favor and ran over the bird that was eating him. 

Take that pigeon!

>Only problem was she also ran over Tom. He was dead anyway.

But he had been dead inside long before!

>About a month later Cybil was convicted of murder of Tom. 

She was awarded a Medal and a small plaque for her great deeds

>She was executed on June sixth, 2006.

For the murder of an innocent pigeon

Sweet Jesus, this was quite a chore to read through. However, this was a masterpiece compared to the first one.

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